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On October 9, 2024, the International Advisory Team of the Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań was established with the following composition: • Professor Paola B. Arimondo, Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, CNRS, Paris, France • Professor François Chaumont, Louvain Institute of Molecular Science and Technology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium • Professor Sandrine Etienne-Manneville, Institut Pasteur-CNRS, Paris, France • Professor Janez Plavec, Slovenian NMR Centre, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia • Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky, Max Delbrück Center and the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany The existence of an international advisory team as a group of outstanding and notable scientists representing different fields of science practiced at IBCH PAS is part of the long-standing tradition of the Institute. The main task of the Board is to support the Director of IBCH PAS in matters related to the long-term scientific development strategy. Over the years, the research topics conducted at the Institute have undergone a certain transformation. Area of bioorganic chemistry and molecular biology has been expanded by such scientific disciplines as biomedicine, genomics, neurobiology and systems biology. Due to this fact, the Director of the Institute, Dr. hab. Luiza Handschuh, after consulting the Scientific Council, decided to appoint a new International Advisory Team. The Team will perform its function during the four-year term lasting until October 2028. Below we present the profiles of the Team members:
Prof. Paola B. Arimondo A chemist and biophysicist, conducts research at the interface of chemistry and biology, developing original tools to study the molecular mechanisms underlying the human diseases. Since 2018, she has been the head of the Epigenetic Chemical Biology Group at the Institut Pasteur, which specializes in designing and using novel chemical tools to study aberrant methylation in cancer cells and developing therapeutic strategies based on epigenetic regulation.
Prof. François Chaumont An outstanding specialist in the field of plant molecular biology, particularly interested in the growth and development of plant organisms and the participation in these processes of the molecules transport across cell membranes. Since 1998, prof. Chaumont has developed and directed a research group aiming at answering hypotheses related to the function and regulation of plant aquaporins. He also supervises research projects aiming to develop an efficient cellular farming platform.
Prof. Sandrine Etienne-Manneville Research Director at the CNRS and the Head of the Cellular Dynamics in Physiology and Pathology CNRS Department as well as the Cell Polarity, Migration and Cancer Lab. Immunologist, specializes in research of the role of adhesion molecules in the activation processes of cell polarization and migration in health and disease. More specifically she focuses on the regulatory mechanisms of astrocyte migration in the context of inflammation and glioblastoma invasion.
Prof. Janez Plavec Chemist, Fulbright fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Professor of Structural Biology at the University of Ljubljana. Since 1996 the head of the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry. He is a member and the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium CERIC ERIC. The chair of Council of Republic of Slovenia responsible for awarding prizes for excellent achievements in science and research. Specialist in studies of the dynamics of bio-macro-molecular systems, structural studies of nucleotides and proteins as well as interactions of small molecules and metal ions with DNA and RNA.
Prof. Nikolaus Rajewsky System biologist specializing in the study of RNA function and the regulation of gene expression in regenerative processes and human pathophysiology. He founded and directs the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology. He also co-chairs LifeTime, a pan-European research initiative of more than 90 academic institutions and 70 companies, which aims to revolutionize healthcare by mapping, understanding, and targeting cells during disease progression. Recipient of numerous awards, including the most important prize in Germany: “Leibniz” award for exceptional achievements in the field of scientific research.
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