L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science scholar: Dr. habil. Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak

By the decision of the Jury of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program, Dr. habil. Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak (Head of the Department of Computational Biology of Non-coding RNA) was among this year’s scholarship holders, receiving a postdoctoral scholarship. 👩🔬 The work of our scientist was rated as one of the best by the external group of experts.

The program has been supporting talented women for two decades by awarding scholarships and promoting their achievements in the field of life sciences. The program also aims to encourage female researchers to continue their work in the development of science and to provide financial support. In Poland, the program has been running since 2001 by: L’Oréal Polska with the Polish Committee for UNESCO and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and from 2016 the Polish Academy of Sciences. Annual scholarships are awarded to six women scientists: 3 habilitation candidates, 2 PhD students and 1 graduate student.

Research by Dr. habil. Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak is focused on understanding the biological role of long non-coding RNAs in the cell. The work of our scientist is a combination of computational and experimental methods. 

More about research work and the profile of the laureate (37:44): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVx9J8b8mdY 

Announcement on the website of the Polish Academy of Sciences” (in Polish)