Two New Professorships at IBCH PAS

We are delighted and proud to announce that the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, in his decision dated May 15, 2024, conferred the title of professor in the field of natural sciences in the discipline of biological sciences to Dr. Marta Olejniczak and Dr. Maciej Figiel.

Prof. Marta Olejniczak has been the head of the Department of Genome Engineering since 2018, where she conducts research, among other areas, in the field of genetic engineering and DNA repair mechanisms. She is involved in the development and application of genetic tools in the therapy of polyglutamine diseases and the search for new therapeutic targets in these diseases.

Prof. Maciej Figiel has been leading the Department of Molecular Neurobiology at IBCH PAS since 2017 and conducts research on discovering and defining new mechanisms of neurodegeneration in diseases such as spinocerebellar ataxias and Huntington’s disease. His interests also focus on developing new models of neurodegenerative diseases, as well as therapeutic strategies for these disorders.

Sincere congratulations and best wishes for much success in your scientific work!

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