We are pleased to announce that, as part of action 2.4 Research Infrastructure for a Modern Economy (FENG), the research team consisting of:
has secured funding for the POL-OPENSCREEN – Polish Platform of Screening Infrastructure for Biological Chemistry.
The project is the result of collaboration with the Institute of Medical Biology PAS (the consortium leader) and the Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies PAS. The following units of the IBCH PAS are involved in the project: the ERIC Center for Chemical Biology, including the Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry (headed by Dorota Jakubczyk, PhD) and the Laboratory of Molecular Assays and Imaging (headed by Dorota Kwiatek, PhD), and the Department of Structural Biology of Eukaryotes (headed by Miłosz Ruszkowski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof.).
The aim of the project is to develop a unique-in-Poland and globally leading comprehensive infrastructure for the identification of molecular targets, screening, verification, and optimization of biologically active substances. The planned universal design of the platform will enable the discovery and development of substances with potential medical applications, particularly drugs, as well as chemical compounds and other substances for use in basic research (e.g., selective inhibitors) and in the agricultural, food, and cosmetic industries, in a high-throughput and efficient manner.
The project tasks include the creation and development of a unique high-throughput research infrastructure in the field of “drug discovery.” These activities will focus on the development and optimization of screening protocols, measurement of interactions between molecular targets and bioactive compounds selected as “HITs,” as well as the synthesis and biosynthesis of these bioactive compounds. The project includes the purchase and installation of equipment, the development of intangible assets and intellectual property related to laboratory protocols, and training for personnel. Additionally, promotional activities are planned to encourage users to take advantage of the newly established infrastructure.
The target groups of the project include scientific institutions such as universities and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as companies engaged in research in the broadly defined field of drug design and development of other biologically active substances. The interdisciplinary nature of the project and the use of state-of-the-art equipment will attract both domestic and international research units and companies.
Project value: PLN 34,698,325.61
Project funding: PLN 24,831,715.68 (including funding for ICHB PAN amounting to PLN 15,649,507.20). The project will be implemented between 2025 and 2027.
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