Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Dr. habil. Paulina Jackowiak , Assoc. Prof. Head of Laboratory ext. 1640mail of laboratory:
Dr. Anna Samelak-Czajka Chief Specialist for Research Equipment
Magdalena Trybus, MSc. Research Specialist
Anastasiia Zaremba, MSc. Bioinformatician
Jakub Kubiś, MSc. Eng. Bioinformatician
Dr. Agnieszka Gąbka-Buszek Bioinformatician
We integrate experimental and computational approaches to comprehensively characterize diverse biological material at single cell resolution. The infrastructure of the Laboratory is part of a platform for multidimensional imaging of biological processes, established within the framework of NEBI - National Research Center for Imaging in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences. The Laboratory is included in one of the centers of the LifeTime consortium (, co-founded by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS. We offer gene expression and chromatin accessibility profiling, as well as cell sorting and advanced analyses using classical and imaging flow cytometry. We provide equipment for quantitative and qualitative analysis of nucleic acids. We welcome collaborations on projects including the study of heterogeneous or rare cell populations, detection of extracellular vesicles, or visualization of intracellular processes and interactions.
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