Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC 

​                       ​Dr. habil. Jacek Kolanowski

Dr. habil. Jacek Kolanowski

ext. 1165

dr Dorota Kwiatek
Kierownik Pracowni

dr Volodymir Cherkas
Starszy Specjalista

dr Krzysztof Żukowski
starszy ​specjalista chemik

mgr Natalia Karczewska

mgr Monika Pyc
specjalista biolog

mgr Mykyta Bobylyow
specjalista biolog

mgr Borys Olifirov
specjalista biolog

dr Yevhenii Sheremet
starszy specjalista biolog

mgr Adrian Rüfli
specjalista chemik

mgr Oleksandra Fedchenko
specjalista ​biolog

mgr Francesca Canyelles

Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry

dr ​Dorota Jakubczyk
Kierownik Pracowni

dr Leszek Błaszczyk

dr hab. Tomasz Ostrowski

dr Grzegorz Framski
główny specjalista ds. środowiskowej aparatury badawczej

Piotr Michałowski

Research activity

Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC is an academic platform with advanced research infrastructure that helps users from academia and industry identify new molecular tools and bioactive compounds and their mechanisms of action for research and/or as a starting point for product development (e.g., drugs, nutraceuticals, agrochemicals etc.). The Center consists of the Laboratory of Molecular Assays and Imaging and the Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry. The Center is also a certified partner of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium ERIC.

  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Optimization of "hit to lead" molecules
  • Chemical synthesis
  • Biosynthesis, biocatalysis, semi-synthesis
  • Isolation and identification of products
  • Natural products
  • Cheminformatics
  • Ultra-high-resolution microscopy, MINFLUX, FLIM, STED
  • Single-molecule imaging
  • High-throughput screening
  • Molecular assay design and development
  • Cell Painting
  • Image analysis
  • Data analysis 
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