Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Dr. habil. Jacek Kolanowski Head ext. 1165
Dr. Michał Gładysz Koordynacja administracyjna
dr Dorota Kwiatek Kierownik Pracowni
dr Volodymir Cherkas Starszy Specjalista
dr Krzysztof Żukowski starszy specjalista chemik
mgr Natalia Karczewska biolog
mgr Monika Pyc specjalista biolog
mgr Mykyta Bobylyow specjalista biolog
mgr Borys Olifirov specjalista biolog
dr Yevhenii Sheremet starszy specjalista biolog
mgr Adrian Rüfli specjalista chemik
mgr Oleksandra Fedchenko specjalista biolog
mgr Francesca Canyelles doktorant
dr Dorota Jakubczyk Kierownik Pracowni
dr Leszek Błaszczyk adiunkt
dr hab. Tomasz Ostrowski adiunkt
dr Grzegorz Framski główny specjalista ds. środowiskowej aparatury badawczej
Piotr Michałowski doktorant
Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC is an academic platform with advanced research infrastructure that helps users from academia and industry identify new molecular tools and bioactive compounds and their mechanisms of action for research and/or as a starting point for product development (e.g., drugs, nutraceuticals, agrochemicals etc.). The Center consists of the Laboratory of Molecular Assays and Imaging and the Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry. The Center is also a certified partner of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium ERIC.
Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC offers access to infrastructure and expertise in the field of high-throughput screening, high-throughput and ultra-super-resolution microscopy, and medicinal chemistry. It is a part of POL-OPENSCREEN - the Polish Platform for Screening Infrastructure for Chemical Biology and the international EU-OPENSCREEN-ERIC consortium, which works with users around the world to identify biologically active molecules and identify their mechanisms of action. The Centre carries out its R&D work in three main areas: Screening platform - offers access to expertise and infrastructure in the development of molecular assays and performance of high-throughput screening. With miniaturization, automation and advanced scientific and research expertise, the laboratory can test the biological activity of hundreds of thousands of compounds (e.g., within the EU-OPENSCREEN library or any user library). It offers expert support in planning and conducting screening experiments based on biochemical and cellular techniques. The screening platform is also equipped with instruments dedicated to high-throughput imaging (including multiparametric imaging, such as Cell Painting assay) and offers assistance with image data analysis. Molecular imaging platform - is part of the NEBI project - National Center for Advanced Analysis of Biological and Biomedical Imaging. The platform primarily consists of one of the only few ultra-super-resolution microscopy systems in the world - MINFLUX located at ICHB PAN. This technology allows to perform fluorescence imaging with a resolution of less than 2 nm. Our MINFLUX system combines the highest quality super-resolution imaging technologies, i.e. STED and Minflux, along with other advanced microscopy technologies (including / FLIM or FCS). The platform offers access to expertise in the performance of experiments using the mentioned microscopy techniques, and image analysis as well as expert assistance in the planning and realization of projects. Medicinal chemistry platform - offers access to expertise and infrastructure for medicinal chemistry research, including the optimization of bioactive compounds, so-called "hit to lead," via chemoinformatics design and chemical synthesis, semi-synthesis, biocatalysis and biosynthesis of dedicated compound libraries that are particularly difficult to synthesize via classical methods. In addition, the platform offers assistance in the selection of already existing compound libraries for bioactivity assays and automated isolation, purification and characterization of compounds derived from biological material or enzymatic reactions. The laboratory specializes in the biosynthesis of natural product analogs.
Available technologies: Types of tests:
Types of R&D work:
Available technologies:
Hit-to-lead compound optimization
Detection and analysis, including:
Process automation, including:
Selected projects which tasks are currently carried out in the Centre:
Selected projects with tasks carried out in the Centre:
Strategic projects for the development of the infrastructure:
Accessibility Tools