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RNAComposer is a system for predicting the 3D structure of RNA, which, when launched in 2012, was the world's only fully automated tool of its kind. To this day, due to its computational speed, high-quality results, reliability, and exceptional user-friendliness, it remains the most widely used predictive system dedicated to RNA. The system enables the prediction of an RNA molecule's shape in three-dimensional space based on the information provided by the user -either the nucleotide sequence alone or, optionally, a list of base pairs. Its application has a special place in biomedicine and personalized medicine, where time and accuracy play a critical role. During its first decade of operation, RNAComposer conducted over 60 million computational sessions, supporting users worldwide and providing invaluable assistance in scientific research, industrial projects, and education.
RNA FRABASE is one of the best sources of comprehensive information on the architecture of RNA molecules derived from experimental research. It is also the first database to gather, in one place, all structural parameters and graphical representations of RNA at the secondary and tertiary levels. RNA FRABASE enables efficient searching of the structure collection based on various criteria, as well as the identification of motifs and structural fragments with characteristics defined by the user. The database supports scientific research and educational processes in the fields of biology and structural bioinformatics. It is also used by other bioinformatics tools, such as the RNAComposer system. Launched in 2007, RNA FRABASE continues to attract significant interest, with over 4 million visits recorded to date.
LNA-2'OMeRNA calculator– simple, convenient and handy online tools allowing to predict thermodynamic parameters, such as free energy, enthalpy, entropy and melting point, for duplexes containing native RNAs and RNA with a RNA thread modified 2'-O-methyl group (2'OMeRNA) .
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