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On February 6, 2025, a meeting of the HR Excellence Working Group was held, during which the results of the employee survey and the next steps in implementing the Action Plan were discussed. Participants were divided into working groups that will prepare recommendations on training needs, social needs, and the analysis of changes in employee needs. The detailed minutes of the meeting are available in the attachment (PDF).
In the last days of 2024, a Welcome Point was established within the Research Support Department, the tasks of which include: 1. Supporting foreign employees and doctoral students in the relocation process and during their stay in Poland in the scope of: a) assistance in completing the documents required to obtain a visa and residence card, b) assistance in finding accommodation during their stay in Poland, c) assistance with formalities, including official ones, related to the stay (including: obtaining a PESEL number, opening a bank account, obtaining a Polish telephone number, assistance in enrolling a child in school/kindergarten, assistance in obtaining social and social benefits) for employees and persons accompanying them in Poland. 2. Coordinating cooperation between internal units of IBCH PAS in the scope of activities supporting foreigners. 3. Collaboration with the Working Group for HR Excellence in Research at IBCH PAS in the implementation of activities within the framework of the internationalization strategy and the HR Excellence Action Plan. 4. Collaboration with organizations supporting the internationalization of science, including the Euraxess network. 5. Monitoring current trends in the internationalization of scientific units. 6. Reporting on the implementation of activities to the IBCH PAS Directorate and authorized external units. Contact to Welcome Point:,,
On 19 December 2024, the HR Excellence Working Group met to discuss the proposal to expand the group's membership, progress in implementing the tasks from the 2024 Action Plan. The composition of the focus groups with representatives of R1–R4 researchers, further steps related to the survey and tasks to be completed in the first quarter of 2025 were agreed. Minutes of the meeting available for download (pdf).
Below, we present the updated version of the European Charter for Researchers, which, as of January 2024, replaces the previous document, “The European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.” This new version of the Charter has been adapted to address current challenges, the evolving scientific environment, and changes in research career paths. The document serves as Annex II to the EU Council Recommendations of December 18, 2023 , which establish a European framework for attracting and retaining talent in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Europe. The European Charter for Researchers is a comprehensive set of 20 principles aimed at supporting attractive research careers and promoting excellence in research and innovation across Europe. These principles are structured into four key pillars: 1. Ethics, Integrity, Gender Equality, and Open Science 2. Researchers’ Assessment, Recruitment, and Progression 3. Working Conditions and Practices 4. Research Careers and Talent Development This document is intended for all sectors and disciplines, including Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). It is addressed to a wide range of stakeholders, including: • Researchers working in academic institutions, public, and private research organizations. • Employers and funders of researchers in the public and private sectors. • Policy makers involved in strategies related to research and innovation. For more information and access to the full text of the European Charter for Researchers, please find it attached (HERE).
On October 29, 2024, the HR Excellence Working Group held a meeting to discuss progress on tasks from the 2024 Action Plan, including the establishment of focus groups representing R1–R4 researchers and planned survey on the HR Excellence strategy and training needs. Proposals for topics in the 2025 training plan were also presented, and further steps for the survey process were agreed upon. A detailed report from this meeting is available in the attachment. (pdf)
On September 18, 2024, another meeting of the Working Group was held as part of the implementation of the HR Excellence strategy at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS. The group members discussed the tasks to be completed in 2024. Actions necessary for the establishment of focus groups, preparation of the annual training plan, and surveys on the implementation of the HR Excellence strategy were agreed upon. The next Working Group meeting is scheduled for the second half of October. The minutes of the meeting are available for download (pdf).
We are pleased to announce the publication of the new Action Plan for the Institute. The new plan includes completed actions, tasks that have been extended or are in progress, as well as introduces new initiatives to be undertaken in the upcoming reporting period. We encourage you to review the details. Action Plan 2024 (PDF).
On July 30, 2024, a meeting of the HR Excellence Working Group took place. Working Group members conducted a detailed review of the current Action Plan and discussed necessary updates. Actions required before sending the modified Action Plan to the European Commission and preparing a survey on the implementation of actions were established. The next meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for the first week of September. Minutes of the meeting available for download (pdf).
We kindly inform you that, based on Directive No. 23/06/2024 issued by the Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences on June 17, 2024, a new composition of the Working Group has been appointed and a Steering Committee for HR Excellence in Research has been established. The current members of the Steering Committee and the Working Group are presented below. Steering Committee for HR Excellence in Research: 1. Julia Brzoska-Karwat – Coordinator, 2. Dr. Joanna Banasiak, 3. Attorney-at-law Ewa Bartoszek, 4. Associate Prof. Magdalena Łuczak, 5. Dorota Nosal, 6. Małgorzata Radwańska-Borucka, 7. Associate Prof. Miłosz Ruszkowski, 8. Raneet Sen, 9. Associate Prof. Michał Sobkowski, Working Group for HR Excellence in Research: 1. Agnieszka Konrad – Chair, 2. Dr. Wanda Biała-Leonhard, 3. Dr. Volodymyr Cherkas, 4. Katarzyna Chojnacka, 5. Associate Prof. Mariola Dutkiewicz, 6. Paweł Goderski, 7. Maria Nalewaj, 8. Prof. Anna Pasternak.
On May 16, 2024, a joint meeting of the Working Group and the Steering Committee was held. In addition to introducing the new members of each group, the discussion focused on the site visit report and the next steps to be taken in response to the recommendations of the evaluation team assessing the progress of implementing the HR Excellence in Research strategy at IBCH PAS. The current Action Plan was also reviewed, with necessary modifications and new tasks being discussed. Details of the meeting are available in the meeting notes (pdf).
On February 27, 2024, the Institute was visited by a commission assessing the degree of implementation of activities related to IBCH PAS having the HR Excellence in Research status. Commission members: Prof. Corina Barna (Universitatea de Științele Vieții "Regele Mihai I", Timișoara, Romania), Prof. Cinzia Sada (Università degli studi di Padova, Italy) and Dr. Conor O'Carroll (SciPol Services Ltd., Irland). During the full-day visit, the commission conducted several interviews with various groups of Institute employees, both Ph.D. students and scientists at various levels of career development, as well as representatives of the Scientific Secretariat and administration, and additionally, with people involved in affairs related to ethics in science, gender equality, and counteracting mobbing. At the summarizing meeting, the commission positively assessed the Institute's HR activities, although it also drew attention to issues that need to be taken into account. On April 18, the Institute received a formal report on the visit and evaluation of the activities of IBCH PAS since obtaining the HR Excellence in Research logo in 2016. The Commission particularly appreciated the improvement of the recruitment system, the support for people who start work at the Institute, the support for scientists who apply for grants, an appropriate gender equality policy, improvements in the working environment, and organized social events. The report also includes guidelines on the Institute's further activities related to the HR Excellence in Research status. It was recommended, for example, to divide tasks between the Steering Committee and the Working Group for HR Excellence in Research, introduce clearer indicators of the implementation of planned activities, increase emphasis on training for scientists, supplement information on the website, and develop a policy of integrity in research and of open science in the Institute. The overall rating given to the Institute for HR Excellence in Research is "Pending minor modifications". The commission's report was discussed at the Steering Committee meeting on April 24. The recommendations contained therein will be included in the modified IBCH PAS Action Plan, which will be developed in the coming weeks.
We are pleased to inform you that by the end of February 2024, the European Commission accepted the accession of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences to the Euraxess - Researchers in Motion network. IBCH PAS is the 9th institution in Poland to become a member of this international organization. Euraxess supports international mobility and career development for researchers. It is also a platform aimed at strengthening international cooperation and supporting actions taken by institutions within the framework of the HR Excellence in Research strategy. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the information available on the Euraxess portal at There you will find job and internship offers as well as tools supporting career development through access to various forms of education. Individuals planning an international internship can obtain detailed information about work and living conditions in the destination countries. The activities supporting foreign employees and doctoral students in relation to their relocation and employment at IBCH PAS will be continued and developed in accordance with the HR Excellence in Research and Euraxess guidelines. Foreign researchers and doctoral students coming to the Institute are provided with advice and assistance by the Research Support Unit, led by Katarzyna Chojnacka (contact:
On January 29, 2024, a summary meeting was held, reflecting on several years of implementing the HR Excellence strategy at IBCH PAS. The event saw significant participation from both doctoral students and scientific staff. The opening remarks were delivered by Prof. Michał Sobkowski, the coordinator of the Working Group for HR Excellence. Paweł Goderski, a member of the working group, then presented the achievements and activities implemented since 2016. After the presentation, a question and answer session provided participants with the opportunity to pose questions and engage in discussions on the information presented. The meeting was concluded by Prof. Magdalena Łuczak, the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and a member of the Working Group. The presentation from this event (in two language versions) is available here: PDF.
Regulation issued by the Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences of 20th October, 2021 implementing the Gender Equality Plan in IBCH PAS. Gender Equality Plan for the years 2021-2025 aims to make the IBCH PAS a place which is safe for everybody and acts according to the following principles: ● equality support ● diversity; ● freedom from discrimination ● providing everybody with freedom of academic, professional and personal development.
It has already been five years since the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS prides itself on holding the HR Excellence in Research award. On this occasion, we introduce a new, updated Action Plan, a part of the renewal report that we submitted to the European Commission this year. In line with our previous practice and the guidelines of the Commission, the new plan encompasses the actions that have already been completed, those that have been either extended or remain in progress, as well as new tasks which we plan to accomplish in the upcoming years. We kindly encourage you to go through this document (pdf)
Another reporting period concerning the HR Excellence Award, which is now coming to an end, is the time for another survey on the implementation of the HR strategy at IBCH PAS. The document entitled „Survey on implementing the HR Excellence policy at IBCH PAS” also this time was conducted on-line, and a relevant form was available for our staff members from April 8th till 30th, 2022. Please find below all the questions of the survey, along with the answers provided. Altogether, 70 participants took part in the 2022 survey (pdf)
We would like to present you the document entitled “OTM-R Policy” (Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment Policy), which is a set of rules and procedures pertaining to recruitment of employees and PhD students at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS. Over the last few years, efforts were taken to make the aforementioned rules and procedures as simple and clear as possible, to those who wish to acquire new members for their teams. We hope that the attached guidelines will help to efficiently conduct the entire recruitment procedure, and most of all, find the most suitable candidates. (pdf)
The Ministry of Education and Science published the Act of 20 July 2018 – The Law on Higher Education and Science (also referred to the “Constitution for Science” and “Act 2.0”), translated into English. The English version of the Constitution for Science is another element supporting the academic community upon implementation of the Act, to facilitate and develop international cooperation.
Based on results of the interim assessment of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS, concerning implementation of the action plan and the HR strategy, the European Commission decided to sustain the HR Excellence in Research Award for our Institute for the period of 36 months, starting from June 19th 2019. The actions undertaken by IBCH PAS so far, regarding fulfillment of the action plan, were highly appreciated and the experts recommended their continuation in the upcoming years.
Here you will find a few useful tips concerning residence permission, healthcare, education and transport. (pdf)
We would like to invite you to go through a revised HR Action Plan for the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences which has been submitted as part of our Interim Report concerning the Institute’s HR strategy. The new plan encompasses the actions that have already been completed, those that have been either extended or remain in progress, as well as new tasks which we plan to accomplish in the current reporting period. (pdf)
A survey regarding the implementation of the HR Excellence policy at IBCH PAN was carried out on November 30 - December 19, 2018. A Google online survey form was used to collect the responses.The content of the questionnaire, along with the answers provided is presented below. A total of 63 respondents took part in the survey (pdf).
Dear All! From the very beginning of its activity, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS, has drawn particular attention to the issues concerning research integrity, both in terms of the studies being conducted, as well as contacts with research partners. We are aware that special resposibility lies with researchers, both in the scientific and social sense. Pursuant to the doctor's oath, research work shall serve propagation of truth and it should not be performed for the sake of profit or applause. I therefore encourage you all to read the Code of Ethics for Researchers, and consider this a supplement to the standing regulations of the Institute - 2nd (pdf, 2017) - 3rd edition (pdf, 2020) Prof. Marek Figlerowicz
The Commission on Ethics in Science is constituted within the Polish Academy of Sciences, and its members are selected amongst the candidates put forth by the entire research and academic community. The Commission expresses its judgement on the issues concerning violation of the ethical principles in science by the staff members employed at universities, Academy’s research entities and research institutes, particularly upon proceedings of the disciplinary commissions. Acting on its own initiative, it may refer to relevant disciplinary commissions in order to address such issues, recommending to conduct an investigation procedure. The Commission’s activity also encompasses dissemination of the standards concerning research integrity.
TERM OF OFFICE 2023– 2026 I. Chairman of the Commission on Ethics in Science: Prof. Andrzej Górski II. Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Ethics in Science: Prof. Osman Achmatowicz III. Members: Prof. Barbara Bilińska Prof. Wojciech Fendler Prof. Paweł Łuków Prof. Henryk Kozłowski, Prof. Czesława Rosik-Dulewska Prof. Józef Szudy Reverend Prof. Alfred Marek Wierzbicki
The Disciplinary Commission is constituted at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS, and its members are appointed in accordance with the procedure stipulated in chapter 9, art. 110 and 111 of the Act of April 30th, 2010, on the Polish Academy of Sciences, Journal of Law 2018, items 1475, 1669. The Commission expresses its judgement on the issues concerning disciplinary responsibility for gross breach of duty or violation of researcher’s dignity. It is the first instance judging on the disciplinary issues regarding research or technical staff, before they are forwarded to the second instance, i.e. the Disciplinary commission of the President of the PAS for research and technical staff employed at research entities. The Disciplinary Commission individually decides on any factual or legal issues, and it is not bound by the decisions of other bodies executing law, excluding a valid conviction by a court of justice, and the judgement of the commission on ethics in science.
TERM OF OFFICE 2023– 2026 1. Prof. Piotr Kozłowski 2. Dr hab. Michał Sobkowski, Prof. IBCH PAS 3. Dr hab. Anna Urbanowicz, Prof. IBCH PAS 4. Dr hab. Krzysztof Kurowski 5. Dr hab. Mariola Dutkiewicz, Prof. IBCH PAS 6. Anastasiia Zaremba 7. Katarzyna Woźniak
Recruitment regulations for scientific positions The recruitment for scientific positions in IBCH is conducted through open competitions only. Their terms are stated in the Recruitment regulations for researcher positions (pdf). Regulations for financing the research of young scientists and PhD students As part of the implementation of the stipulations of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, new Regulations of the call for proposals within funding research or developmental work, aimed at development of young investigators and participants of doctoral studies at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS have been drawn up and enforced.The most significant changes involve: imposing an obligation to maintain gender balance within the committee for propsal evaluation; emphasizing that academic achievements of young researchers or PhD students, and the tasks scheduled within research grants constitute the sole basis for evaluation, whereas ethnic, religious, racial or ideological criteria shall not be taken into consideration; adopting a transparent proposal evaluation form, encompassing strengths and weaknesses of the submitted proposals, which young researchers or PhD students shall receive as feedback. The Regulations, along with all appendices, are available both in Polish and English (pdf)
We are very pleased to inform that the European Commission granted the prestigious HR Excellence in Research award to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Through this distinction, the Institute found itself among other renowned research institutions from Poland which provide scientists with excellent working conditions, creating an optimal atmosphere for conducting research at the highest level.
Awarding the badge is one of the actions of the European Commission within the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, aiming at enhancing the attractiveness of working conditions for researchers in the EU. The aforementioned actions shall contribute to the increase in the number of researchers among European institutions. This is how the EC supports institutions implementing the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers into their internal regulations. The initial step on the way to obtain the HR Excellence badge was the signing of the Declaration of endorsement of The European Charter and The Code by the Director of the Institute, then a detailed Action Plan targeted at fulfilling all the necessary criteria was forwarded to the European Commission, and the entire effort was finally concluded by the final evaluation of the application, followed by a positive recommendation from the Commission. For detailed information see attachments:
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