Announcement of the Appointment of the Steering Committee and the New Working Group.

We kindly inform you that, based on Directive No. 23/06/2024 issued by the Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences on June 17, 2024, a new composition of the Working Group has been appointed and a Steering Committee for HR Excellence in Research has been established. The current members of the Steering Committee and the Working Group are presented below.

Steering Committee for HR Excellence in Research:
1. Julia Brzoska-Karwat – Coordinator,
2. Dr. Joanna Banasiak,
3. Attorney-at-law Ewa Bartoszek,
4. Associate Prof. Magdalena Łuczak,
5. Dorota Nosal,
6. Małgorzata Radwańska-Borucka,
7. Associate Prof. Miłosz Ruszkowski,
8. Raneet Sen,
9. Associate Prof. Michał Sobkowski,

Working Group for HR Excellence in Research:

1. Agnieszka Konrad – Chair,
2. Dr. Wanda Biała-Leonhard,
3. Dr. Volodymyr Cherkas,
4. Katarzyna Chojnacka,
5. Associate Prof. Mariola Dutkiewicz,
6. Paweł Goderski,
7. Maria Nalewaj,
8. Prof. Anna Pasternak.

Picture by stockgiu at Freepik
Summary meeting on the implementation of the Action Plan at IBCH PAS

On January 29, 2024, a summary meeting was held, reflecting on several years of implementing the HR Excellence strategy at IBCH PAS. The event saw significant participation from both doctoral students and scientific staff. 

The opening remarks were delivered by Prof. Michał Sobkowski, the coordinator of the Working Group for HR Excellence. Paweł Goderski, a member of the working group, then presented the achievements and activities implemented since 2016. After the presentation, a question and answer session provided participants with the opportunity to pose questions and engage in discussions on the information presented. 

The meeting was concluded by Prof. Magdalena Łuczak, the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and a member of the Working Group. 

The presentation from this event (in two language versions) is available here: PDF.
