Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Dr. Witold Andrałojć Head of Department ext. 1286
Dr. Dorota Gudanis-Sobocińska adiunkt
Prof. Zofia Gdaniec profesor
Aleksandra Cioch-Biniaś MSc PhD student
Amadeusz Woś MSc PhD student
Aleksandra Pawłowicz-Perczak MSc PhD student
Ewa Połomska MSc PhD student
Mikołaj Podlewski MSc PhD student
The primary focus of this group is on understanding the structure, function and dynamics of nucleic acids, particularly RNA. We apply both biophysical and biochemical techniques, with a strong emphasis on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). One of the major areas of our research involves structural studies of RNA quadruplexes, including their modes of interaction with various ligands. Our interests also focus on duplex-quadruplex structural hybrids, as promising tools for silencing gene expression.