Department of Medical Biotechnology

dr hab. Agnieszka Fiszer

Dr. hab. Agnieszka Fiszer, prof. IBCH PAS

Head of Department:
ext. 1450


Dr. Magdalena Jazurek-Ciesiołka

Dr. Emilia Kozłowska

Dr. Magdalena Woźna-Wysocka

Dr. Natalia Ziojła

Research activity

Research area

Research at the Department of Medical Biotechnology concerns the diversity of RNA functions and dysfunctions in the context of repeated tracts and neurodegenerative diseases.

Our research focuses on trinucleotide repeat sequences (mainly CAG) and their expansion related to polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases that include Huntington's disease (HD) and spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs).

We aim to precisely describe new molecular pathogenic pathways for polyQ diseases, with particular emphasis on RNA-dependent pathways and changes in the level of various types of RNA. We investigate the functioning of mutant mRNA containing CAG repeat expansion, as it is a very promising target for oligonucleotide-based tools in therapeutic approaches. We are also interested in determining the function of repeat tracts in wild-type RNAs, including non-coding RNAs.


  • RNA and protein toxicity markers in polyQ diseases
  • Establishment and characteristics of new cellular and mouse models
  • Investigation of molecular interactions with trinucleotide repeat tracts in RNAs
  • Role of non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of polyQ diseases
  • Investigation of RAN translation and alternative polyadenylation events for transcripts with repeat expansions
  • Design and testing of oligonucleotide-based therapeutic strategies
  • triplet repeat expansion diseases,
  • polyglutamine diseases pathogenesis,
  • RNA and protein toxicity,
  • therapeutic strategies,
  • RNA interference technology,
  • microRNAs, non-coding RNAs,
  • iPSC technology,
  • cellular models,
  • mouse models

Research Projects

Ongoing research projects:

  • Function and dysfunction of repeated tracts in non-coding and protein-coding transcripts (NCN OPUS, PI: A. Fiszer)
  • MyRIAD: (Micro)RNA and informatics approaches for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia (International project JPND, Consortium leader: K. Whysall-Goljanek, University of Galway; PI: A. Fiszer)
  • Development of a universal fast-response platform, based on RNA technology, ensuring the national drug and epidemiological safety (one of the teams involved from IBCH, ABM Project Call: Development of innovative therapeutic solutions with RNA technology, Consortium leader: Polfa S.A., PI: prof. M. Figlerowicz)