Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Dr. hab. Katarzyna Rolle, prof. IBCH PAS Head of Department Phone: ext. 1299
Dr. Julia Misiorekadiunkt
Dr. Dariusz Wawrzyniak adiunkt
Dr. Paweł Głodowicz biologist
Adriana Grabowska MSc biologist
Dr. Julia Latowska-Łysiak doktorant/asystent
Prof. Jan Barciszewski professor
The main goal of the Department of Molecular Neurooncology is the complex research of the basics of development and progression of brain tumors, especially glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Our interests include mainly:
In our experimental approach we use a combination of molecular biology tools, in vivo imaging techniques with functional studies using clinical tissue samples, human cell lines (including primary tumor cells isolated from patients) and syngeneic mouse tumor models.