Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Prof. Michał Jasiński Head of Department ext. 1131
Dr. Joanna Banasiak adiunkt
Dr. Wanda Biała-Leonhardadiunkt
Dr. Sara Blicharz adiunkt
Dr. Aleksandra Pawelastarszy specjalista biolog
Krishnapriya Anirudhan PhD student
Maciej Nowak MSc PhD student
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins are ubiquitously found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and mostly serve as membrane-intrinsic primary active pumps that consume ATP for their action. Due to the sessile and terrestrial lifestyle, huge chemodiversity, as well as the ability for post-embryogenetic development, ABC family is highly expanded in plants in comparison to other organisms. To date, the largest number of functionally characterized ABC proteins is from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). However, it is worth emphasizing that less than one-third of the transporters present in this canonical model plant have been characterized, and even so not always endogenous molecules translocated by them have been identified. Thus functional characterization of this fascinating proteins is still a hard task and represents even bigger challenge in crops. By using functional genomics tools, in combination with reverse genetics screenings, we try to decipher role of ABC transporters and especially that from ABCG subfamily in legume biology. We use Medicago truncatula as a model for our research and focus on transport of specialized metabolites as well as phytohormones. Our interest is to understand how ABC transporters can by distribution of those molecules modulate interaction of this plant with environment.
Medicago truncatula
M. truncatula interactions with microorganisms: (A) Ensifer meliloti – roots nodules; (B) Rhizophagus irregularis – arbuscular mycorrhiza; (C) Fusarium oxysporum roots infection
Symbiosis of M. truncatula and Ensifer meliloti
Analysis of promoter activity
Protoplasts isolated from mesophyll of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves