Department of Structural Bioinformatics

prof. dr hab. inż. Marta Szachniuk

Prof. Marta Szachniuk

Head of Department
Phone: ​​61 6653030

Technical Staff:

Dr. hab. Maciej Antczak, BEng.
starszy specjalista ​bioinformatyk

Dr. hab. ​Agnieszka Rybarczyk
starszy specjalista ​bioinformatyk

 Dr. Joanna Sarzyńska
senior researcher (biologist)

 Dr. Marcin Radom, BEng
starszy specjalista ​bioinformatyk

Marta Maćkowiak, BEng

Research activity

Research area
  • Studying of molecular structures and macromolecule interactions, with particular reference to RNA and RNA-protein interactions.
  • Characterization of new bioinformatics issues related to structural biology of nucleic acids.
  • Design and execution of in silico experiments supported optionally by biological and chemical data.
  • Development of the RNApolis platform ( - virtual RNA bioinformatics laboratory.
  • Development of computational systems addressing current problems of RNA biology, i.a., RNA FRABASE, RNAComposer, RNApdbee, RNAvista, RNAfitme, RNaspider.
  • Modeling of RNA secondary and tertiary structure.
  • Analysis of macromolecular structure in torsion angle space.
  • Annotation and classification of pseudoknots.
  • Development of computational systems for identification, analysis, and modeling of quadruplexes (as part of the SpaceTetrado bioinformatics toolkit).
  • models ​and algorithms for structural biology,
  • structure databases,
  • web applications to analyze 2D and 3D structures of nucleic acids,
  • analysis of macromolecule structure parameters,
  • computational prediction of RNA structures,
  • 3D model comparison and similarity assessment,
  • automated identification and analysis of pseudoknots,
  • algorithms for classification and annotation of quadruplexes

Research Projects

  • 2020/39/O/ST6/01488 Predicting 3D RNA structures using Generative Adversarial Networks. NSC Poland - Preludium Bis 2 (MS)
  • 2019/35/B/ST6/03074 Feature exploration and modelling of quadruplex structures. NSC Poland - OPUS 18 (MS)
  • 2016/23/B/ST6/03931 RNApolis - methods and algorithms to model and analyze the RNA structure. NSC Poland - OPUS 12 (MS)