More NSC grants for researchers at the ICHB PAS

We are pleased to announce that in the MINIATURA 7 call for proposals by the National Science Center, funding has been granted to projects at IBCH PAS. Three researchers from our Institute will be implementing the following projects:

  • Dr. Weronika Wendlandt-Stanek “Investigation of the new functions of unconventional myosin operating in the mammalian brain”
  • Dr. Marta Rachwalak “Azidophosphates as a chemical marker in bioconjugation of nucleic acids”
  • Dr. Volodymyr Cherkas “Nanoscale visualization of AP2 adapter complex interaction with Hippocalcin during LTD-induced Clathrin-mediated AMPA receptor endocytosis using MINFLUX superresolution microscopy”

You can find the MINIATURA 7 ranking list (in Polish) here:

Congratulations and good luck with your projects!

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