On June 29, 2023, scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science were awarded to outstanding young scientists. This year, the scholarship was received by 230 individuals, including 37 doctoral students, all of whom had shown significant achievements in their scientific work. The laureates, representing 51 scientific and artistic disciplines, were selected from 1828 applications. Among the awarded scientists, Dr. Paulina Gałka-Marciniak from the Department of Molecular Genetics at the IBCH PAS has been included in the list.
Congratulations, and we wish you continued success!
For more information, please visit the website: Ogłoszenie wyników postępowania w sprawie przyznania stypendiów Ministra Edukacji i Nauki dla wybitnych młodych naukowców w 2023 r. (edycja 18) – Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki – Portal Gov.pl
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