On November 3 and 4, our Institute will host Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky from the Max Delbruck Center in Berlin. Professor Rajewsky’s CV can be found on the MDC website (link here).
We invite you to an open lecture entitled “Cell-based interceptive medicine” delivered by Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky, outsanding scientist and a universally recognised authority on systems biology.
The lecture will take place on November 3, at 10.00 in the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS (buildiung B, conference hall).
Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky uses both computational and experimental molecular biology methods to study the function of RNA in animal development and stem cells. Nikolaus Rajewsky is a Professor at the Charité, the Max Delbrück Center, and the Humboldt University in Berlin. He has received numerous awards, including the most important prize in Germany (“Leibniz” award). In 2008 he founded and since then chairs the “Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology” (“BIMSB”, a new MDC center, now 25 labs and a new building in the center of Berlin). His latest research (and of colleagues) using single-cell approaches was featured in Science “Breakthrough of the Year 2018”. Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky serves as coordinator of “LifeTime”, a pan-European consortium of 90 research institutions & >70 companies to understand molecular mechanisms of the progression of human diseases.
On November 4, the Professor booked time for meetings with teams from our Institute in conference room 311 (building B), from 8:00 to 15:00.
You can also participate in the lecture via Zoom:https://zoom.us/j/95178503188?pwd=RmJjd2FCejhsd0Q4bGM4UlhHL25qdz09