Spring in Turew

The beautiful weather outside the window leaves no illusions – today we welcome the First Day of Spring! On this occasion, we would like to share with you a report on the open doors at Turew Palace, which took place on 15 March. The park, covered in a carpet of spring snowflakes, is an unforgettable sight that attracts more and more enthusiasts every spring. However, it was also an inspiring time to learn about the history of the Palace and its former inhabitants. Nearly 600 people visited the Palace and saw the exhibition entitled. “The Organic women and men of Turew. A virtual exhibition of artefacts and memorabilia related to the cradle of organic work”, which was created thanks to the cooperation of the Organic Work Trail. Thank you for coming in such large numbers!

At the same time, we make an appeal to all lovers of history and monuments. The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, the current owner of the Turew Palace and Park, does not receive any subsidies for the maintenance of these historic places – we cover all costs from our own resources. And the needs are enormous.

If you would like to support our activities and contribute to the protection of this unique place, we encourage you to make a donation to the Institute’s account. Any amount, even the smallest one, will help to preserve the cultural heritage of Turew for future generations.

Support can be transferred to the account of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences.

Account no: 51 1130 1088 0001 3144 8520 0001

Transfer title: Donation to the Turew Palace

Thank you for any form of support!

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