The next meeting from the series of invited seminars in IBCH PAS is behind us

On June 2 and 3 our Institute hosted a world-class specialist in the field of hematology and oncogenomics, dr Liran Shlush of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. On Friday, June 3, Dr. Shlush gave a lecture entitled “The aging of the blood system and early diagnosis of leukemia”, followed by two discussion meetings, with PhD students and with postdocs. It was the second in a series of IBCH PAN open seminars to which distinguished foreign guests are invited. Both, the lecture and the meetings with the guest, were extremely inspiring for the employees and doctoral students of ICHB PAN. We hope that the guest’s visit will result in a long-term cooperation with our Institute.

The guest and dr Luiza Handschuh just before the lecture (fot. dr Z. Warkocki)
The guest and dr Luiza Handschuh just before the lecture (fot. dr Z. Warkocki)