In March 23-25 our Institute hosted prof. Matthias Hentze of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany. The visit was one within the series of open invited seminars with prominent foreign guests. Because of the research topic associated with RNA, the speaker was the guest of the RNA Salon Poznan, well-recognized event in the Poznan scientific community, and the Poznan branch of the Polish Biochemical Society. Prof. Hentze gave a lecture entitled ‘Riboregulation: Biology, Mechanisms and Scope’, presenting a fascinating concept of protein function regulation by bound RNA. The visit encompassed also meetings with the scientists, PhD students and post-docs from IBCH PAS and the Faculty of Biology AMU.We invite you to participate in the upcoming the IBCH PAS invited seminar series and RNA Salon Poznan events which can be tracked in the Events tab.
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