The Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) was established by the decision of the Collegium of Rectors of the City of Poznań and affiliated with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS in Poznań on October 23, 1993. Therefore, 2023 is a year of jubilees: we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the existence of the IBCH PAS, the 30th anniversary of PSNC, and additionally, the 20th anniversary of the Polish Optical Internet Consortium (PIONIER). The celebratory events for the thirtieth anniversary of PSNC, attended by many distinguished guests, took place on September 13, 2023, at the IBCH PAS. The jubilee was enhanced by lectures by prof. Roman Słowiński and dr hab. Marcin Napiórkowski. In the evening, participants of the celebration attended a formal gala at the National Museum, where they could admire museum collections and enjoy a performance by the violinist Kasia Szubert.
The day before, at the PSNC headquarters, the Polish Optical Internet Consortium ecosystem conference took place (PIONIER e-Infrastructure Summit 2023), during which examples of PIONIER network usage were presented, along with the challenges facing its creators and users today.
On September 14th, a jubilee scientific conference called PSNC Days was held, summarizing the results of initiatives and projects carried out at PCSS as part of broad national and international cooperation.
The celebration of the 30th anniversary of PSNC culminated in an aerial acrobatics show at Kąkolewo Airport and a concert “Po Godzinach” by the Big Band.
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