Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Dr. hab. Anna Urbanowicz, prof. IBCH PAS Head of Laboratory ext. 1518
Dr. Joanna Śliwiak adiunkt
Dr. hab. Agata Świątkowska adiunkt
Dr. Jakub Barciszewski specialist biologist
Martyna Kordyś MSc specialist biologist
Paulina Bierwagen MSc PhD student
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We offer our equipment and provide expertise in terms of preparation of expression vectors, production of recombinant proteins and their purification, as well as evaluation of quality of protein preparations intended for functional and structural research. We have experience and equipment enabling physicochemical characteristics of interactions between proteins and other macromolecules. Our measurement methods allow not only to assess affinity and measure constants of association and dissociation, but also to determine the number of ligand binding sites or thermodynamic parameters of binding such as enthalpy or entropy. We conduct high-throughput tests of the initial conditions for crystallization of biomolecules as well as optimization of the crystallization process to obtain crystals for diffraction experiments. We record diffraction data for protein crystals and nucleic acids using a diffractometer equipped with a rotating anode.