On Thursday, December 14th, at 11 am, we will host Prof. Sofia Kirke Forslund from Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany. She will be delivering a lecture on “Tracing drug and diet influences from multi-omics cohort data”.
The lecture will take place in the large conference hall at IBCH PAS. There will also be an option to join online:
https://zoom.us/j/97899605941Identyfikator spotkania: 978 9960 5941
Kod dostępu: 627651
Abstract: The human gut microbiota, serving as an internal microenvironment in communication with its host and the external environment that the host inhabits, impacts health and disease risks and outcomes across the lifespan in various ways. It may underlie individually variable responses to the same risk factors and treatments. Many medications, not limited to antibiotics, influence the composition of the gut microbiome, posing challenges for studies investigating the role of the microbiome in health, disease, and recovery in the human setting.
We have developed statistical workflows to account for such effects and to establish associations between medication use and the microbiome state, both in cross-sectional and longitudinal settings. Through their application, we can more accurately assess the role of the gut microbiota in the efficacy of dietary interventions such as fasting. In this talk, I outline this work within the context of some recent studies and discuss the potential implications of these findings.
Prof. Forslund is the author of over 80 publications, with more than 5,200 citations and an H-index of 26. She has been invited by Dr. Łukasz Przybył.