Research Support Unit

Katarzyna Chojnacka, MSc
Head od Unit
ext. 1633

Staff Members

Magdalena Alejska, PhD
senior biologist

Department of Molecular and System Biology, Department of Plant Genomics, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics, Laboratory of Genomics, Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory, Laboratory of Single Cell Analyses

Sylwia Bugaj, MSc

Department of Plant Functional Metabolomics, Department of Biomedical Proteomics, Department of Rare Diseases, Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry,  Automatics and Laboratory Robotics Group

Agata Chmielewska, MSc
Head of Department of Laboratory Supply

Department of Plant Molecular Physiology (replacement: Sylwia Bugaj),  Department of Computational Biology of Non-coding RNA (replacement: Katarzyna Solka)

Katarzyna Chojnacka, MSc

Department of Structural Bioinformatics, Department of Molecular Genetics, Department of Ribonucleoprotein Biochemistry, Department of RNA Metabolism, Department of Molecular Neurooncology, Department of Functional Transcriptomics, Laboratory of Bioinformatics

Grzegorz Framski, PhD
senior chemist

Department of Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components, Department of Structure and Function of Retrotransposons

Iwona Gawrońska, MSc

Department of Medical Biology

Michał Gładysz, PhD
senior chemist

Department of Molecular Probes and Prodrugs, Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Laboratory of Molecular Assay and Imaging

Zofia Jahnz-Wechmann, PhD
senior chemist

Department of Nucleic Acids Bioengineering

Alina Kasperska, MSc

Department of Structure and Function of Biomolecules, Department of Structural Biology of Eukaryotes, Department of Structural Biology of Prokaryotic Organisms, Laboratory of Protein Engineering, Department of RNA Structural Genomics, Department of Structural Chemistry and Biology of Nucleic Acids

Monika Przybył, PhD
senior biologist

Department of Non-coding RNAs, Laboratory of Mammalian Model Organisms

Paula Sobieszczańska, MSc

Department of Medical Biotechnology, Department of Genome Engineering, Department of Molecular Virology, Department of Neuronal Cell

Katarzyna Solka, MSc

Department of Biopolymer Chemistry, Laboratory of Subcellular Structures Analyses, Laboratory of Animal Model Organisms, Bioeconomy and Substainable Development Group

Anna Teubert, MSc

Laboratory of NMR, Department of Biomolecular NMR


The main task of the unit is to support PIs, heads of departments, and specialized laboratories, and teams by ensuring their efficient communication with internal units of IBCH PAS, including the Director's Division, General Administration, Research Coordination, and Financial Affairs Division. 

This task is carried out through the following activities:

  1. Providing organizational support to PIs in the functioning of their departments, specialized laboratories, and teams.

  2. Supervising and coordinating the implementation process of projects within the organizational context, from the submission stage of the PI's application for planned project participation to its completion and the presentation of the final report.

  3. Overseeing and coordinating the expenditure process during project implementation.

  4. Monitoring and coordinating the fulfillment of orders for projects and departments, including orders for chemicals, materials, apparatus, services, office supplies, computer supplies, conference fees, open access fees, and others.

  5. Continuously improving the competences of Unit employees in project management, including R&D projects, and developing soft skills such as communication skills, creativity, goal orientation, time management, good organizational skills, crisis management, willingness to learn, and self-development.    

    Additionally, we carry out activities within working groups:

  6. Supporting new foreign employees in the relocation process and during their stay in Poland.

    Leader of the working group: Monika Przybył (

  7. Coordination and organization of lectures by speakers, including foreign ones, as part of a series of institute seminars as well as

    Leader of the working group: Katarzyna Chojnacka ( )

    In 2024, a Welcome Point was established within the Research Support Department, the tasks of which include:
  1. Supporting foreign employees and doctoral students in the relocation process and during their stay in Poland in the scope of:

    a) assistance in completing the documents required to obtain a visa and residence card,

    b) assistance in finding accommodation during their stay in Poland,

    c) assistance with formalities, including official ones, related to the stay (including: obtaining a PESEL number, opening a bank account, obtaining a Polish telephone number, assistance in enrolling a child in school/kindergarten, assistance in obtaining social and social benefits) for employees and persons accompanying them in Poland.

  2. Coordinating cooperation between internal units of IBCH PAS in the scope of activities supporting foreigners.

  3. Collaboration with the Working Group for HR Excellence in Research at IBCH PAS in the implementation of activities within the framework of the internationalization strategy and the HR Excellence Action Plan.

  4. Collaboration with organizations supporting the internationalization of science, including the Euraxess network.

  5. Monitoring current trends in the internationalization of scientific units.

  6. Reporting on the implementation of activities to the IBCH PAS Directorate and authorized external units.

    Contact to Welcome Point:,,