Dofinansowanie ze środków budżetu państwa
Deklaracja dostępności
Dr. hab. Miłosz Ruszkowski , prof. IBCH PAS Head of Department ext. 1612
Dr. Maria Małeckaadiunkt
Dr. Paulina Worsztynowicz adiunkt
Dr. Dominika Czerwonka adiunkt
Dr. Daria Nawrot adiunkt
Kinga Pokrywka MSc PhD student
Wiktoria Ragin-Oh MSc PhD student
Agata Warlich MSc PhD student
Prof. Mariusz Jaskólski profesor
Dr. habil. Mirosław Gilski starszy specjalista biolog
Dr. Marta Grzechowiakasystent
Dr. Barbara Imiołczyk volunteer
Ha Linh Tran MSc biologist/PhD student
Biological macromolecules dictate every aspect of life, but their thorough comprehension is impossible without structural information at the atomic level. Only through structures, it is possible to: - fully understand catalytic mechanisms of enzymatic reactions; - reveal interactions of proteins with small molecules, other proteins, DNA, and RNA; - rationally design bioactive compounds such as drugs or herbicides. We are particularly interested in plant proteins relevant to modern agriculture and in targets of anticancer therapies. With macromolecular crystallography and cryoelectron microscopy (Cryo-EM), complemented with a broad range of biophysical, biochemical, and bioinformatic methods, we bring new insights into the fascinating world of the molecules of life.